How the Scholarship Works
We at CDTM believe that your personality and skills should be the reason for your admission, not your financial background. First and foremost we want to prevent that your financial circumstances keep you from CDTM. To lift the financial burden, we thus provide a need-based scholarship program, a commitment to economic diversity, that makes sure nothing stands in the way of your Honors Degree in Technology Management.
Selected students receive a funding of up to 450 Euro per month for the duration of the courses Trend Research and Product Development (SS: February – July or FS: August – January). Find out more about the Curriculum.
For open questions feel free to contact!
You are wondering how you can combine your studies with our Honors Degree in Technology Management? You have questions about the application process? You would like to meet current students and find out what it is like to study at CDTM? Get to know us at our upcoming events or follow us on our social media channels to stay up to date!
Thanks to our Alumni:
Sebastian Schuon
Hanno Renner
Christian Deger
Anselm Bauer
Benjamin Günther
David Bellem
Ignaz Forstmeier
Roman Schumacher
Max-Josef Meier
Katharina Jünger
Arseniy Vershinin
Mehmet Yilmaz
Joshua Cornelius