About Johnny Bonk

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So far Johnny Bonk has created 6 blog entries.

Entrepreneurship Lab in summer term 2021


After a few semesters, when students at CDTM have successfully completed both MPD and Trend Seminar and some electives, it is time for each Centerling to tackle the last of the three core courses: The Entrepreneurship Laboratory (eLab). The eLab is a twelve-week long project-based course Thus, the contents [...]

Entrepreneurship Lab in summer term 20212021-12-15T17:14:11+01:00

Effective Organization Building


Building an effective organization is a huge challenge and 90% of startups fail in the attempt to do so. Although there is always lots of luck involved, there are also some principles and frameworks that might make this attempt more structured and successful. And who could talk about these [...]

Effective Organization Building2021-12-15T17:18:14+01:00

Holy Cow! The environmental cost of your food choice


Does the food I eat impact climate change? Yes.  About 26% of all the planet-warming greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are coming from what we eat on a daily basis. This number is almost two times greater than the fossil fuels burned for all the cars, trains, planes, and ships [...]

Holy Cow! The environmental cost of your food choice2021-12-15T17:18:48+01:00

Conscious leadership and meditation


Living in a time when we are constantly busy and look towards the next big thing we want to achieve, it is difficult to stay present and live in the moment. This highly affects our leadership style and how we communicate and work with others, but at the same [...]

Conscious leadership and meditation2021-12-15T17:25:33+01:00



At the center, we are surrounded by motivated and curious people who usually have too many things at once on their plate and only realize they shouldn´t have taken on the next side project when it is too late. Together with Julian Geuder from bridgingpositions, a recurring guest at [...]

SELF LEADERSHIP BACKBONE AT CDTM WITH bridgingpositions2021-11-30T14:38:22+01:00

Recycling – 5 things you should know about your waste


Recycling – 5 things you should know about your waste In recent years, many of us have become more conscious of our purchasing decisions. We started carefully considering the details of the products we buy and we are often happy to pay double the price if a tag says [...]

Recycling – 5 things you should know about your waste2021-11-30T14:38:22+01:00
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